Non-destructive testing is a descriptive term used for the examination of materials and components in such a way that allows materials to be examined without changing or destroying their usefulness. NDT or NDE can be used to find, size and locate surface and subsurface flaws and defects.
MMTSL help you ensure the reliability and safety of your products, equipment or plant assets with services in non-destructive testing (NDT), materials testing and welding quality. Our services can support production processes, quality control, and regulatory compliance as well as new construction, pipelines, plant maintenance and scheduled shutdown inspection.
NDT and materials testing means we can select the right techniques and procedures to detect defects and irregularities in your products, equipment, production In addition to our non-destructive testing and materials testing. MMTSL staffs and Level II Inspectors also offers on-site NDT inspection services.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
UT is a portable and quantitative inspection method offering flexible inspection variations including straight beam, angle beam, phased array, and Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD). Evaluates external flaws, wall thickness, and detection of internal flaws Ultrasonic testing uses high-frequency sound waves to measure material thickness and detect surface and subsurface flaws. It is often used to locate manufacturing defects in welds and castings, complete corrosion and erosion monitoring, and support large-scale corrosion mapping.
Magnetic Particle Testing (Mt)
MT testing method can be used while an asset is in service to determine its conformity to required standards Detects surface and near-surface cracks in ferrous material Magnetic particle testing is a cost-effective method used to identify surface and near-surface flaws in ferrous materials.. MMTSL Operators can effectively identify required repairs and prevent costly failures and shutdown time.
Liquid Penetrant Testing (Pt)
MMTSL operators use the PT inspection for identify critical defects in many clean and non-porous ferrous and non-ferrous materials prior to loss of containment and prevent costly repairs. Detects surface-breaking cracks and defects Penetrant Testing is a cost-effective method used to detect surface breaking flaws including cracks, cold laps, and porosity.
Electromagnetic Testing (ET)
Detects surface and near-surface cracks in coated, electrically conducting material Electromagnetic testing, also known as eddy-current testing, is used to detect small, surface breaking defects through paint and some coatings in electrically conducting materials. MMTSL operator’s use the ET method for find the crack detection, metal sorting, and inspection of tube, bar, and welds.
Visual Testing (VT)
MMTSL operator’s use the Visual inspection of assets is inherent in the previously outlined NDT testing methods. Physical damage, corrosion, and surface cracks are examples of anomalies that are commonly identified during visual inspection. Critical to successful application of this method are factors including the calibration and quality of the image-capturing method.
Radiography Testing (RT)
MMTSL use the RT method for detects and evaluates wall loss and weld defects Radiography uses gamma rays or X-rays to produce an image of an object on film or on a digital detector. Images are analysed to detect wall loss, size pipes and plate, and to identify defects in welds, forgings, and castings during the manufacturing process.